Everyday Resolutions . . . the Blog for Healthy Travel

At Everyday Resolutions, we are exploring the world and enjoying every new adventure. We also know that staying healthy during travel is of utmost importance. Let’s explore the world, grow our spirits and take care of our bodies. Read Healthy Travel Tips for a great start towards your goals.

Adventure While Exploring the World

Movement of our bodies is critical for our well-being and adventures on a vacation can help us get in our daily physical activity. But, they do so much more. When we are out there exploring the world, vacation adventures can stretch us out of our comfort zone, teach us something new, help us to be better stewards of our planet and reduce our daily mental and emotional overload. Check out our Exercising on Vacation post for some great suggestions.

adventure awaits!

Healthy Food Choices to Nourish Our Bodies

We all know that our daily food choices matter. When exploring the world, we are often presented with many less-than-healthy options. Plus, we eat most (if not all) of our meals in restaurants where we do not have control over added fats, salts, sugars, etc. Vacation should strike a balance between splurging and rational choosing. We are here to help you find this balance. Read Surviving the Buffet for some great guidance.

Healthy food tips while exploring the world

Tips and Tricks for Exploring the World

You could just throw caution to the wind and eat and drink everything offered on vacation and let your daily movement slip way down your priority list. But, you know this is not always wise especially if you are on an extended trip. Eating rich restaurant foods, sitting on tour buses, lounging by the pool are part of an awesome vacation. However, these luxuries need to be tempered with some healthier food choices and daily movement. Everyday Resolutions is filled with articles, tips and ideas to help you find balance while you are exploring the world. The goal is to live it up on the trip but come home feeling physically great and mentally refreshed, too.

Feel free to explore our blog and pick and choose the posts that speak to your travel needs. Let’s get out there and explore…and let’s stay healthy while we do it!

  “Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me?
Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?”

– Walt Whitman